- Bachelor of Computer Science in Knowledge Engineering
- Master of Computer Science in Knowledge Engineering
Work experience
- Feb-Mar 2016: SAKURA Science Program
- Sep-Oct 2016: Field Study
- May-Aug 2017: Internship
- Aug 2018-Jul 2019: NLP Research Assistant
- Present: NLP Research and Data Operation Engineer
- Bindez Pte. Ltd
- Duties included: Sentiment Analysis, Topic Tagging, Text classification and Part of Speech Tagging
Honors & Awards
- Best Paper Award
- Paper entitled: Neural Machine Translation on Myanmar Language
- Conference: 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Optimization
- Publication: Springer - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Licenses & Certifications
- Information Technology Passport Examination (IT passport, 2015)
- Big Data Course (Acroquest Myanmar Technology Co., Ltd., 2016)
- Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination (FE, 2016)
- Certificate for SAKURA Science Program (JAIST, 2016)
- Certificate of Contribution to 2nd ICICO 2019, Koh Samui, Thailand (2019)
- E-tendering System (UIT’s Open House, 2015)
- Medical Expert System (UIT’s Open House, 2016)
- Emoji Typewriter for Kids (UIT, 2016)
- Asia Yangon National Programming Contest (ICPC, 2016)
- Nearest Restaurant finder Business Plan (UniHack Challenge, 2016)
- Big Data Analysis Course (Acroquest, 2016)
- Myanmar Zawgyi-Unicode Converter (Internship/MCF, 2016)
- Myanmar Word Segmentation (Final Term Paper, 2017)
- Urban Sound Classification (Acroquest, 2017)
- Anomaly Detection for machines (Acroquest, 2017)
- Neural Machine Translation on Myanmar Language (Master Thesis, 2018-2019)